2 years of having broken hearts that will never mend
We pause countless times each and every day, still not believing
and not wanting to believe you are in heaven
We wonder what you would have looked like, how tall you
would be, what your dreams would be, we just wonder
everything that could have been…but isn’t
The NEVERS hurt the most
Never another ‘I love you’
Never another smile
Never another kiss
Never hearing your sweet voice
Never again hugging you and holding you tight
Never hearing that silly growling sound you would make that
would drive us crazy…how we wish we still heard that sound now
Never again seeing you twirling or spinning or swimming or
creating a magical creature out of clay
Never seeing your newest drawings of your wonderful
imaginary creatures
Too many heartbreaking…nevers
We are so grateful for every single memory we have of you,
while longing to have made so many more
Every dinner table, birthday party, every event big or small, we
all miss you and feel your absence
Zachary, Ziggy, Zig Zag….we love you so so much, and always
and forever will
Hug and twirl and spin and laugh and squeeze papa and your
beautiful mom for all of us
Until we meet again someday….and we will,
see you in our dreams
Love, hugs and kisses for ever
Grandma, Dad (Mike), Auntie Shannon and Uncle Brad
Cousins Brooklyn and Hudson