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Wellesley teen killed in traffic accident

A Wellesley teen and member of the New Hamburg Conservative Mennonite Church was killed Mar. 20 in a single- vehicle crash in Palmerston. North Perth OPP said the 2002 Ford Taurus driven by 17-year-old Lyndal Huber was travelling west on Wellington Concession Road 12 and then west on Line 92 before

Last updated on May 04, 23

Posted on Mar 25, 11

1 min read

A Wellesley teen and member of the New Hamburg Conservative Mennonite Church was killed Mar. 20 in a single- vehicle crash in Palmerston.

North Perth OPP said the 2002 Ford Taurus driven by 17-year-old Lyndal Huber was travelling west on Wellington Concession Road 12 and then west on Line 92 before the collision. Huber lost control of the vehicle on Line 92 shortly after 6:30 p.m. The car left the road striking a pole; the young driver was pronounced dead at the scene. Two 15-year-old passengers, including Huber’s brother, were taken to hospital, but were reported to be uninjured.

The Elmira District Secondary School student was also employee at Wellesley Brand Apple Products.

Students at EDSS were told about the incident by school faculty and given a chance to ask questions on Tuesday in an assembly in the gym.

Huber’s funeral was held Mar. 24 at Wilmot Centre Missionary Church for relatives and friends. Police are still investigating the accident and are asking any witnesses with information about the crash to contact OPP or Crime Stoppers.

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