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WCS looking for community-building ideas with new grant

Last updated on Jun 19, 23

Posted on Jun 08, 23

1 min read

Got an idea for building community spirit in your Elmira neighbourhood? Maybe it’s a barbecue, a community yard sale or an event for the kids on your block? Whatever the case, Woolwich Community Services wants to hear from you.

If the idea resonates, you could get up to $650 to make it a reality. That’s courtesy of the new Neighbourhood Action Grant program offered by WCS in partnership with the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation.

The program will provide five grants of up to $650 each year, explains WCS’ Nancy Lucier, who’s taken on the title of Neighbourhood Action Grant coach.

“It’s open to anybody,” she said of the program. “The purpose is to jumpstart a sense of community and bring people’s ideas to life. We’re encouraging connections within local neighbourhoods – that can be multi-generational, it can be children, adults or seniors. We’re wanting to create connections within the neighbourhoods where people are living and create that community building amongst members.”

“It could be a community barbecue, a sports day, a holiday celebration, maybe a neighbourhood fair. Maybe there’s a neighbourhood space that needs improving. Planting a community garden or maybe organizing a neighbourhood cleanup. The ideas are endless.”

In its first year, the program is being offered in Elmira, with an eye on future expansion.

There are all kinds of community-building activities that would qualify for a grant, Lucier noted. WCS is open to suggestions.

“The whole idea is community development, to encourage connections in the community and build those strong relationships. It could be something fun or engaging, or projects so that people can feel that they’re part of their neighbourhoods,” she said, noting the program encourages a collaborative process whereby a couple of people might, for instance, step forward as project leads.

“We can take it from there.”

To get things going, Lucier will host a Zoom-based information meeting on June 15 at 7 p.m. You can register by emailing or calling WCS at 519-669-5139.

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WCS Looking for Community-building Ideas with New Grant | The Observer