Hot Off the Press

Support for Region’s most vulnerable

As part of the Region pandemic response plan, more than 17 municipal and community partners have formed a Community Support Control Group. Together with the private sector, this group is responding to the needs of people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with the following supports: An iso

Last updated on May 03, 23

Posted on Mar 21, 20

1 min read

As part of the Region pandemic response plan, more than 17 municipal and community partners have formed a Community Support Control Group.

Together with the private sector, this group is responding to the needs of people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with the following supports:

  • An isolation space will imminently start receiving people who are homeless and showing symptoms of COVID-19. This space will be fully staffed.
  • Drop-in spaces in Waterloo Region may open as early as this weekend to people who are homeless, giving them a place to go during the day.
  • Starting next week, food hampers and meals will be delivered to people with low income who can’t leave their home. This program can also serve people who are homeless if emergency shelters and other agencies become unable to.
  • Public washrooms and spaces are being opened in and around city cores in Waterloo Region.

The Community Support Control Group will continue to plan for and respond to needs as they arise. It will also provide additional support in other areas, including children’s services, animal care services, and services that help the vulnerable care for their emotional wellbeing.

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