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Splash park fundraising kicks into high gear

The Wellesley splash park committee will kick off its business fundraising campaign Monday. The committee is looking to raise approximately $200,000 towards the construction of the splash park. Community fundraisers and a pair of grants have so far netted approximately $52,000 toward that goal.

Last updated on May 04, 23

Posted on Jan 21, 10

2 min read

The Wellesley splash park committee will kick off its business fundraising campaign Monday.

The committee is looking to raise approximately $200,000 towards the construction of the splash park. Community fundraisers and a pair of grants have so far netted approximately $52,000 toward that goal.

The committee received grants totaling $20,000 from Farm Credit Canada and the Kitchener-Waterloo Community Foundation. Other grants are still pending, including an application to the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

Committee member Melissa Flynn said the goal is to have shovels in the ground next fall or spring 2011 at the latest, with the park opening in June 2011.

The committee circulated a petition in the fall of 2008 and got the go-ahead to start fundraising from township council last February.

A service agreement with the township stipulates that the committee will be responsible for covering any capital and maintenance costs, while the township will perform daily water checks. A life guard isn’t necessary because there is no standing water.

“As far as attention toward the facility is concerned, the township is going to be pretty hands off, but we wanted to work them to have a partnership,” Flynn said.

The splash park will be located adjacent to the community centre and arena in the village of Wellesley.

Some of the ground work has already been laid, with water lines installed and soil testing complete. The committee is currently looking at design proposals for the splash pad. The concrete pad will be approximately 10 by 13 feet, with several different water features suitable for kids from toddlers up to age 12.

Flynn explained that the splash park will be a draw for families with young children. The population of Wellesley village has been growing rapidly for the past few years, with a number of young families moving in. Wellesley Public School completed a 10-room addition in the fall, with half that space going to kindergarten.

“It’s something that keeps people in town and contributes to local businesses and allows families to spend time together outside,” Flynn said.

The fundraising kickoff will take place at Leis Feed and Supply, a platinum donor, at 10 a.m. Jan. 25.

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