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No-stopping zone approved out front of Breslau PS

A no-stopping zone will be put in place in front of Breslau Public School to eliminate traffic congestion and a safety concern as parents jockey to drop off and pick up their children. The zone approved December 10 by Woolwich council will prohibit stopping at all times on the west side of Joseph St

Last updated on May 04, 23

Posted on Dec 13, 13

1 min read

A no-stopping zone will be put in place in front of Breslau Public School to eliminate traffic congestion and a safety concern as parents jockey to drop off and pick up their children.

The zone approved December 10 by Woolwich council will prohibit stopping at all times on the west side of Joseph Street, extending 49 metres from Shields Street.

The changes come at the request of the school’s principal, deputy clerk Val Hummel said in presenting the recommendation to councillors.

Beyond the school issue, the area, with overhanging trees and some visibility concerns, is not a suitable spot to park, she added.

“At any time, it’s not a great place for anyone to park.”

Coun. Mark Bauman, noting a walkway that extends from Shields Street to the school, suggested parents use that point to drop-off and pick up their children, adding that the township has had similar issues at other schools, as parents jockey to get as close as possible.

Expanding on that comment, Mayor Todd Cowan said the school board should be looking at solutions rather than making it the municipality’s problem to deal with. As an example, he pointed to the drop-off area built at St. Teresa Catholic Elementary School in Elmira.

In a related matter, Hummel noted the school has also requested a crossing guard. Preliminary counts find there’s not enough traffic to warrant one, but Hummel said she wants to do another study before making a final recommendation on the request.

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