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Horticultural society’s garden tour set for Saturday

It’s garden season and no one knows it better than the Elmira Horticultural Society. A garden tour is set to take place around Elmira and surrounding areas Saturday (July 7). The event runs from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and will showcase different styles of gardens in the Conestogo area. Coordinator and bo

Last updated on May 04, 23

Posted on Jul 06, 12

1 min read

It’s garden season and no one knows it better than the Elmira Horticultural Society. A garden tour is set to take place around Elmira and surrounding areas Saturday (July 7). The event runs from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and will showcase different styles of gardens in the Conestogo area. Coordinator and board member Barb Smith predicts recent weather should make this an interesting event.

“Its difficult to say what will be growing; the weather has been really dry lately, so it will be interesting to see what is growing. It will be a nice surprise for visitors,” she said.

Tickets for the tour can be bought at two locations in Woolwich; Brian’s Photo in Elmira and St. Jacobs Country Gardens will be selling tickets at $10s each for the self-guided tour of six garden locations in Conestogo. The lineup consists of various styles of gardens, presenting possible gardening ideas for visitors. The sites are varied, ranging from river rock gardens to assorted berry gardens and raised flower beds.

Guests can find interesting ideas for their designs by viewing the original and unusual ways in which the plant arrangements are set up. Gardeners struggling with shady spots in their yard can view locations with an abundance of shade as well as plants growing in many diverse environments. Visitors can also look forward to seeing an award-winning garden among the six locations.

The event’s a go, no matter what the weather offers up.

“The tour will happen in rain or shine and if it rains we won’t complain because we certainly need it.”

All proceeds from the tour, Smith said, will be used for the Elmira Horticultural Society’s yearly book donations to the library, beautification of the town, the Junior Garden Club and Elmira’s recent addition, the Kate’s Kause playground in Gibson Park.

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