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Happy ending for stolen lawn ornament

For eight years, a unique lawn jockey has adorned Bruce and Marilyn Ogram’s yard on Line 86 just west of Elmira. John Deere enthusiasts, the Ograms received the ornament – a man on a miniature Deere tractor – from their son, and displayed the piece next to their full-size equipment. But last month,

Last updated on May 04, 23

Posted on Sep 12, 14

1 min read

For eight years, a unique lawn jockey has adorned Bruce and Marilyn Ogram’s yard on Line 86 just west of Elmira.

Bruce and Marilyn Ogram’s property on Line 86 is home to numerous decorations, including their prized tractor-riding lawn jockey. [Scott Barber / The Observer]
Bruce and Marilyn Ogram’s property on Line 86 is home to numerous decorations, including their prized tractor-riding lawn jockey. [Scott Barber / The Observer]

John Deere enthusiasts, the Ograms received the ornament – a man on a miniature Deere tractor – from their son, and displayed the piece next to their full-size equipment.

But last month, their prized statue disappeared.

“I figure it weighs about 150 pounds,” Bruce said. “So whoever took it must have had a plan.”

Disturbed by the theft, the Ograms filed a police report. But their chances of recovering the piece, which holds strong sentimental value, looked slim.

Until by chance they discovered a media report of a similar incident, in which a stolen antique was recovered at Dis-a-Ray’s antique store in Guelph.

“We decided to go down to visit the store with a photo of our guy, to see if there was a chance that the same thief took it there.”

Sure enough, the shopkeeper had purchased the piece, and knew the customer he had subsequently sold it to.

The Ograms recovered the lawn jockey on a John Deere tractor, and will be keeping close tabs on him going forward.

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