Delivery Driver wanted. Evening and weekend shifts available. Must be mature and possess reliable transportation. Apply in person to New Orleans Pizza, 25 Industrial Dr., Elmira.
Pinacle Health & Fitness is now accepting applications for the following positions at both Elmira & Milverton locations. Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor & Membership Coordinator. Sales & Fitness experience is required. Applicants must show a high interest in growing and leading our company to build a career in the fitness industry. Only very passionate & motivated individuals need apply! Call 519-595-7205 or submit resume with cover letter via email to jobs@pinaclehealthand
FOR SALETree Seedlings Bareroot 10” to 24” tall. Field grown for hardiness. Mix and Match $2 each, 100+ $1.75 each, 300+ $1.50 each. HST extra. Book early to reserve. Limited supply. Colorado Blue Spruce, White Spruce, Norway Spruce, White Pine, Red Pine, Douglas Fir, White Cedar, Hemlock, Staghorn Sumac, Burr Oak, Red Oak, Red Maple, Sugar Maple, Silver Maple, Paper Birch. Asparagus Roots $2.50 each. To order, call Lorne at 519-638-3589 afternoons or leave message. Pick up at 8109 Wellington Rd. 8, (1 km west of Drayton). Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 22, 23, 24.
TV & stereo cabinet $25. 519-669-1224.
Wicker Bedroom Furniture. 5-piece, sold wood frame, patina finish, made in USA by Henry Link: 2 night tables, 6-drawer dresser, lingerie tower, 3-drawer dresser. Excellent condition. $850. 519-664-2992.
Bridgewall Cook Stove with warmer and water tank. Was used daily. Needs grate repaired. 519-846-2080.
FARM EQUIPMENTCase 1070 Tractor, 3PH, new pump $6500.00; Oliver 1800 diesel, 3PH $5500.00; Cockshutt 1750, western, $4200; 1060 Nuffield, 60 HP, new alternator $3200. Dan Seifried, Harriston 519-338-2688.
RENTALSApartment for Rent. 27 Robb St., Moorefield. 2 bedroom, fridge and stove included. Laundry in building. No pets. $725 + utilities. First & last month. 519-291-2590 or 519-291-4453, leave message.
Elmira. 1 Bedroom apt. 2nd floor. Central location . $475 + hydro only. Avail. May 1. Call 519-669-1472.
Large 2 Bedroom Apartment, close to downtown Elmira. Smoke free, no pets. $750/mth + utilities. Avail. May 1. 519-669-2786.
Two Bedroom Listowel – Comfortable living. Two bedroom apartments in new building. Big kitchen, living room, own laundry, walk out. May 1, 2011. 226-220-1196.
Upstairs Office Space – 3 rooms available from $450 per month depending on size. Includes heat & hydro. Main floor in an active real estate office. Call Mildred Frey, 519-669-1544.
REAL ESTATEThree Bedroom Ranch style bungalow for sale in beautiful birdland. Large well treed lot. Price $319,000. 22 Bluejay Rd., Elmira. Call 519-669-3714 to view.
TRADES & SERVICES“Limited Time Offer” Relaxing therapy includes muscles, nerves, lymphs, hormones, pain etc. Call Grant’s Hands On Therapy 519-577-3251. Elmira office $50.00, or house calls $57.00.
CRD Accounting Services – Income Tax (E-File) Services. Small business accounting, payroll & gov/t filings. Chuck Downs, 95 Aspen Cr., Elmira. 519-669-1498, cell 519-569-1744.
GARAGE SALESApril 1 & 2 Multifamily garage sale at Hawkesville Community Centre. Friday noon – 5, Saturday 8:30a.m – 1 p.m.
Multi-Family Garage Sale. Saturday, April 9/11/ 7 a.m. – noon. 10 Bauman St., Elmira.
Woolwich Memorial Centre, 24 Snyder Ave., S., Elmira. 24h Annual Indoor Garage Sale. Saturday, April 9, 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Space still available. Call to reserve your vendor space. 519-669-6026. For more information visit our website