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Drama students to stage one-act play night

The school year is winding down, but there’s still time for EDSS drama students to take to the stage for a final performance and for audiences to enjoy the fruits of their labours. On Wednesday, a group of Grade 12 students will roll out five one-act plays, displaying their chops. “This is something

Last updated on May 04, 23

Posted on Jun 10, 11

2 min read

The school year is winding down, but there’s still time for EDSS drama students to take to the stage for a final performance and for audiences to enjoy the fruits of their labours.

On Wednesday, a group of Grade 12 students will roll out five one-act plays, displaying their chops.

“This is something for the Grade 12 class, which is a strong class, to end out the year,” said department head DJ Carroll. “Thanks to the support of the Kin Club, there’ll be prizes and plaques for the performers.”

The area’s newest service club, the Kin Club of Woolwich has provided the drama department with a grant to help with the productions.

IN ON THE ACT EDSS drama students Haydon Cooke (left), Jordan Siroky and Tanisha Longley rehearse a scene from a one-act play Wednesday. Five plays will be staged in a special performance Wednesday night.

Plays to be staged include Grace, Fourteen and This is a Test. The last deals with subject matter particularly close to the hearts of high school students: facing an exam as the clock ticks down your doom.

You didn’t get the review sheets, the teacher doesn’t seem to like you, and your classmates are blatantly cheating. Time is passing and the voices in your head keep reminding you that though you may be having trouble with the test, your personal life is far, far worse. Then you reach the essay question. The good news is
that it’s an opinion essay. The bad news is that it’s in Chinese. And things aren’t going to get better.

In that scenario, it’s much easier for the audience to laugh.

The evening will offer a real mix, said Carroll.

“People get to see a real sampling – we’ve got comedies, we’ve got dramas. It will be fun.”

The performances are set for June 15 in the EDSS gym. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., with the show starting at 7 p.m. There’s no charge, but the drama department will be accepting donations at the door.

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