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Construction on track, Elmira Canadian Tire store set to open at the end of March

Construction is coming along on schedule at the new Canadian Tire store next to Foodland on Arthur Street. The store is set to open at the end of March, says dealer/owner Shaun Gallagher. Already into the hiring process, Gallagher says everything is coming along smoothly and on time. “I think it has

Last updated on May 04, 23

Posted on Jan 19, 17

1 min read

Construction is coming along on schedule at the new Canadian Tire store next to Foodland on Arthur Street.

The store is set to open at the end of March, says dealer/owner Shaun Gallagher.

Already into the hiring process, Gallagher says everything is coming along smoothly and on time.

“I think it has been about eight weeks so far,” he said. “I would say that construction over the winter can have its fair share of problems, but Mother Nature has been good to us. Construction timelines are being met, for sure.”

The banner seen along Arthur Street announcing the opening of the store is calling for job applicants wanting to work at the new Canadian Tire location, with Gallagher noting interviews have already begun.

“I would say that we are in the middle of that,” he said, adding they are still taking resumes for the estimated 50 to 60 jobs available at the store. “We are doing more interviews, for sure.”

The store covers almost 24,000 square feet, with 22,000 sq. ft. designated for retail and the rest for a garden centre and seasonal department. Right now, the interior is being prepped.

“We are getting ready to wrap things up,” said Gallagher. “We are going to be starting on the retail fixtures this week.”

He says he is looking forward to bringing a new retail option to shoppers in Elmira and Woolwich Township.

“It is a great opportunity for Canadian Tire to service a community that is really growing. It is going to make it much easier for local residents to shop at, and we’ll call it their local store, because that is what we want it to be,” he said. “That is the way I truly feel – the store belongs to Elmira. We want to bring the shopping experience to Elmira, instead of Elmirans having to go to the shopping experience.”

The store will be a full service Canadian Tire with an auto service department, a garden centre, a tool and automotive department, kitchen and home, paint and others, he added.

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