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Conestogo firefighters serving up more than breakfast Sept. 26

There’s nothing quite like waking up to the unmistakable sound and smell of bacon cooking in the morning. The combination of fresh eggs and fluffy pancakes with local maple syrup , is surely the foundation of the classic Canadian breakfast. On September 26, you can enjoy an all-you-can-eat buffet of

Last updated on May 04, 23

Posted on Sep 18, 15

2 min read

There’s nothing quite like waking up to the unmistakable sound and smell of bacon cooking in the morning.

The combination of fresh eggs and fluffy pancakes with local maple syrup , is surely the foundation of the classic Canadian breakfast.

On September 26, you can enjoy an all-you-can-eat buffet of your favourites for a good cause, at the Conestogo Firefighters Association’s annual fundraiser breakfast.

“This is our main fundraiser for the year,” CFA social chair Terry van Lenthe said. “We haven’t tagged anything specific for the (money raised) this year, but last year we donated ($2,000) to a cause called Heroes of Human, which is an organization that supports first responders suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, so we thought it was a fitting cause because we are all first responders and we deal with stressful situations and sometimes we do deal with death and that can be stressful. So we thought it was an appropriate charity to donate to. In previous years we have donated to Kate’s Kause in Woolwich Township, and we have also donated to a fellow firefighter on the Woolwich Fire Department who died a couple years ago and we donated to his family to try and help out. So like I said, we try to keep it either related to the fire service or the Woolwich area.”

Funds also go “towards regular association sponsored events to promote safety as well as to assist members of our community inordinately affected by an emergency,” CFA Treasurer Phil Bauman said.

“We do other  social activities for the fire department, but as far as the fundraisers that we do, this is really the big one,” van Lenthe added. “We also do some activities for schools, including at the Conestogo Public School where we set up a truck each year to give the kids a chance to check it out and see what we do. The kindergarten classes also usually have a trip to our fire hall each year so they can see what we do. We also hold safety events at the West Montrose trailer park just to show people how to use a fire extinguisher and we show how to put out a fire.”

The Conestogo Firefighters Association all-you-can-eat fundraiser breakfast runs 7-11 a.m. September 26 at the Conestogo fire hall, 1869 Sawmill Rd. Cost is $8.

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