Hot Off the Press

Catholic Women's League Meeting

Last updated on Sep 16, 24

Posted on Sep 16, 24

2 min read

The first meeting of the season for the Catholic Women’s League was held on Tuesday evening, 10th of September at 7 p.m. in the dinning room of the Parish Rectory.

CORRESPONDENCE – During the summer information was received from Euthanasia Prevention, Ray of Hope, Development and Peace, Marillac Place, The Working Centre. Camboni Missionaries, Innisfree & Lisaard Hospice, K-W & Guelph Right to Life Associations.  A thank you card from the Helen Kurtz family for her Mass Intention and from Father Peter Meyer for helping with his anniversary.  The Ariss and Maryhill Lions club also sent a thank you for the monetary donation toward their new dog “Perry”.

CARDS  -  1 Sympathy card was sent out during the past month. 


Plans were finalized for the menu for the luncheon on Sunday, September 22nd for the Maryhill Historical Society Heritage Day celebration.

4 – 50 year Catholic Women’s League pins will be presented at the October meeting.  Invitations will be sent out to these ladies.

There will again be a “Harvest Basket”  with the tickets selling $2 each or 3 for $5.00 with the proceeds going towards car seats for infants to the Guelph Right to Life Association.  Tickets will be sold before and after Masses on Sunday Sept. 29th and Oct. 6th with the draw taking place on Oct. 6th in the Parish Rectory.

Gift Cards for different companies will be available again this year with the information going out on Sunday, Sept. 29th.  There will be 2 early bird draws – 13 October and November 3rd.  The finally day for sending in orders will be November 24th

A reminder was made that the parish is continuing to collect milk bags and all kinds of tabs.  There will be containers at the entrances of the church for those wishing to use these containers. 

Tickets are available also for “The Sounds of Christmas” on Friday, December 6th for the 2 p.m. and the 7 p.m. show. This show is again at the Waterloo Mennonite Brethren Church.  Cost is $35.  Please contact Fran Vegh if you are interested.  Proceeds to support KidsAbility.

There will be a slide show presentation by the Maryhill Historical Society  entitled “A peek in the Maryhill Historical Society Library and Museum” at the Bloomingdale Library for Wednesday, Sept. 18th at 6 p.m. This is free but you must register. 

; ; ;

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