Just two weeks until Christmas. Not quite in the mood yet, even if the snow has set the stage? Koinonia Christian Fellowship has just the thing for you this weekend: enough music to put anyone in the Christmas spirit.
Billed as the Bloomingdale church’s Christmas card to the community, the Christmas in Concert show features a 100-voice choir presenting seasonal classics in a range of styles.
“The music really puts people in a Christmas mood. It can really help kick-off people’s seasonal celebration,” said Kathryn Hofer, Koinonia’s vocal and creative arts director.
Despite working on the show for months now, she’s enjoying the yuletide feeling that’s been building this past week as the preparations come to a head. The snow has helped.
“I love that there’s snow – it makes it feel like Christmas,” she said. “I’ve literally been getting giddy at rehearsals.”
If past years are any indication, she won’t be the only one. Koinonia is well-known for its productions, which have become a staple for many people at this time of year. Some 2,300 to 2,500 people are expected to fill the seats this weekend.

What they’ll see and hear this time out is a live band, orchestra and large choir offering up a nostalgic take on Christmas. All the classics will be there, said Hofer, noting they try to hit everyone’s favourites.
While classical presentations are definitely on tap, the musicians will employ a variety of styles, including the big-band sound that’s always popular with audiences.
|As well, there will be a carol sing portion, so that those in the audience just itching to give voice to the seasonal celebration can join in.
t’s a big undertaking for Koinonia, even with its usual music-oriented programs. For Christmas in Concert, a cast and crew in excess of 150 people has been put into action.
“It is a lot of work. But it’s Christmas, so it’s all worth it,” said Hofer.
The Koinonia Christian Fellowship presentation of Christmas in Concert runs Dec. 11 (3:30 and 7:30 p.m.) and Dec. 12 (3:30 p.m.) at 850 Sawmill Rd. in Bloomingdale. There is no cost to attend. For more information, call 519-744-7447 or go online at www.ChristmasInConcert.com.