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Alot of energy goes into A Bunch of Munsch

Call it big entertainment for some little people. With A Bunch of Munsch, Listowel’s Theatre Three-Eleven has harnessed the manic energy of a beloved children’s author and put it on stage. Anyone who has seen Robert Munsch read aloud from his books knows his stories are meant to be presented with dr

Last updated on May 04, 23

Posted on Sep 30, 11

2 min read

Call it big entertainment for some little people. With A Bunch of Munsch, Listowel’s Theatre Three-Eleven has harnessed the manic energy of a beloved children’s author and put it on stage.

Anyone who has seen Robert Munsch read aloud from his books knows his stories are meant to be presented with dramatic flair – funny faces, voices and wild gesturing are commonplace in his readings. Having a group of performers run through dialogue, acting out the characters while a narrator keeps the story moving along seemed like a perfectly obvious combination

KIDDING AROUND Bobbi Stan is the Princess and Brandon Dekok the Dragon in "The Paper Bag Princess," one of Robert Munsch's stories featured in this weekend's performances at Theatre Three-Eleven.

for director Stefanie Webster.

“It’s a very high-energy show, that’s for sure,” she laughed. “Munsch is suited for this – the play is taken right from the stories, read and acted.”

Now on stage, with shows this weekend, A Bunch of Munsch presents classics such as Mud Puddle, Thomas’ Snowsuit, Mortimer and many more.

Using a simple set and a few costume changes, the five actors keep a manic pace, moving the stories along in keeping with the attention span of the young audience – last weekend’s opening saw kids ranging in age from two to 10 or 11.

A children’s show is a first for Theatre Three-Eleven, though it’s been under consideration for some time.

“We’ve had a lot of people ask us over the years to do something for the kids. It just seemed like the time was right,” said Webster.

Two half-hour sets broken up by an intermission is just the right fit for the audience, she added.

A Bunch of Munsch runs Saturday (1 and 3:30 p.m.) and Sunday (2 p.m.). Tickets are $10, available by phoning 519-291-2033 or 1-877-455-0552 or by emailing  The theatre is located at 311 Main St. E., Listowel.

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